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Showing posts from January, 2017


 KHERAI ANALYSIS- THE DIETIES OF BATHOUISM INTRODUCTION :- The Bathouism is  one of the oldest religions of this globe. This religion was breeding in the Satya Yugo so far the Indian Mythologists believed. At that time this religion had gradually developed yugo after yugo. That means this Bathou religion had been developing gradually through the Satya yugo, Treata yugo, Dwapora Yuga and koli Yuga flourishing one after another Yugos till this current yugo or era known as kolki Yugo or era. Bodo people are religious and pious and come across the Yugoes starting from the Satya Yugo, Treata Yugo, Dwaparo Yugo and Koli Yugo flourishing one after another yugo till this current yugo or era known as Kolki yugo or era. The systems of prayers had changed yugo after yugo till now. The Bathouism followers had also changing the methods of prayers and style of worshipping. According to reports of the old folks the Bathou followers sacrificed man, then other animals like goat, fowls, pigeon etc. But