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The Bathouism is  one of the oldest religions of this globe. This religion was breeding in the Satya Yugo so far the Indian Mythologists believed. At that time this religion had gradually developed yugo after yugo. That means this Bathou religion had been developing gradually through the Satya yugo, Treata yugo, Dwapora Yuga and koli Yuga flourishing one after another Yugos till this current yugo or era known as kolki Yugo or era.
Bodo people are religious and pious and come across the Yugoes starting from the Satya Yugo, Treata Yugo, Dwaparo Yugo and Koli Yugo flourishing one after another yugo till this current yugo or era known as Kolki yugo or era.
The systems of prayers had changed yugo after yugo till now. The Bathouism followers had also changing the methods of prayers and style of worshipping. According to reports of the old folks the Bathou followers sacrificed man, then other animals like goat, fowls, pigeon etc. But now the people are avoiding the method of sacrificing any living creatures. Instead of such living things they are using to offer flowers, prosads (a mixture of grains) rices along with coconut.
The Bathou alter is prepared by making high stead of soil which have been fenced by 18  bamboo splits. In the middle of the Bathou alter a ‘’ Euphorbia Splendens’’ has been planted. The Euphorbia Splendens tree is called ‘Sijou’ by the Bodo people. There are two meaning of this euphorbia splendens such as Si and Jou. Si means Soul and Jou means High Soul ( meaning the Supreme Soul)- The Almighty God. Hence The Euphorbia Splendens is the symbolic representation of the Supreme soul , ‘’The Almighty God’’.
Bathouism shows the three abodes known as Bar Gongtham at the occasion of Kherai performances. Those abodes are Rungsar, Mitha, Hashing of Hajing equivalent to the other religions known as Swargo , Mortaya and Patal.
Now let us describe the dieties of the Bathouism in detail :-

Name of Bamboo Split                                                              Name of Dances                                                                                             
1.    Ailong- Bathous tharnay, Bathou gidingnai.
2.    Agrang- Bathou gidingnai first stepping .
3.    Khoila – Cha golau dance Sibino lanay Si cha gusung dance Sijou khou mithinai.
4.    Khazi- Imphi chipnai maya Dannay (Use of sword)Avoiding illusion.
5.    Rajphuthur – Ronochandri Dance indentification of foes.
6.    Rajkhandra- Khamao Barkhonay (Try to practice)
7.    Abla Khungur- Khoizoma Phonai (Try to know learn)
8.    Alibura- Gandoula Bannay (Religious following)
9.    Monasho- Badali gelenai (Entrance into illussion)
10.    Sarijomon- Bor lanai (Undertaking the world)
11.    Borliburi- Moiso mufur gelenay (Forseeing the world)
12.    Bwisumuthi- Mainao dikhangnay (Earning knowledge)
13.    Bagraja- Musha glenay (Energise)
14.    Songraja- Daothoi longnay (Controlling bad etiquities)
15.    Gaoraja- Asar Ganaai (Learning the truth)
16.    Basumuria- Newali gelenai (Controlling mind)
17.    Aham Brai- Naw Bonay Gait (From Earth death)
18.    Basu Choudri- Gorai Dabrinai (Acquiring real knowledge)
The names of the above mentioned deities are working their day-to- day duties and the workers of this solar system are also following peacefully which the people of this world cannot understand and follow as we think ourselves.
It is also conjectured that the supreme diety whom we worship and pray is supposed to be single one. But yet people conjectured that the supreme diety must have been supported and helped in different fields whom we known as messengers . Those messengers collect accurate news and information from different places. Accordingly the supreme power whom we suppose God will distribute the works and responsibilities for smooth and good working of an instituition.
In the global world people believed that we must have to follow and obey certain rules and principles of living in this world as abode. Peaceful and mediation is the best of all that can manage ourselves. According to my view the invisible powers of this earth may help those who obey and follow the principles politely in lifetime.
Accordingly Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence". Different religions may or may not contain various elements, ranging from the "divine". "sacred things", "faith", a "supernatural being or supernatural beings" or "some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life."
Religious practices may include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of God or deities), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of human culture. Religions have sacred histories and narratives, which may be preserved in sacred scriptures, and symbols and holy places, that aim mostly to give a meaning to life. Religions may contain symbolic stories, which are sometimes said by followers to be true, that have the side purpose of explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs. There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide. About 84% of the world's population is affiliated with one of the five largest religions, namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or forms of folk religion.
With the onset of the modernisation of and the scientific revolution in the western world, some aspects of religion have cumulatively been criticized. The religiously unaffiliated include atheists (who reject belief in the existence of deities) and agnostics (who believe that the truth of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable). While the religiously unaffiliated have grown globally, many of the unaffiliated still have various religious beliefs. About 16% of the world's population is religiously unaffiliated.
The study of religion encompasses a wide variety of academic disciplines, including theology, comparative religion and social scientific studies. Theories of religion offer various explanations for the origins and workings of religion.
Since Bathouism has long history came across since the Satya Yugo. The present Bodo people are following the same Bathouism reforming applicable and adorable principles of the time. As the Bathouism is one of the oldest religions, we can belief and adore ourselves to attain the pin- points of achieving the boons or religion in this infinite solar system.
The Bodo people are still honest strait followers and now admiring themselves before their dieties for better attainment in life. May Shijou bless us and sermonise on the foloowers of Bathouism ! May the dieties of Bathouism help the followers of bathouism !! May the Almighty of solar system help the Bathou followers including prosperity and amity among the neighbouring societies of religions.
Aham Sijou !
Aham Deities !
Aham Religions !


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