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Showing posts from August, 2017


INTRODUCTION The Bodo social organisation first came into existence   in the 20th century. From the very beginning the organisation would like to solve the problems of the Bodo society. During the 20th century due to lack of  proper and systematic  education, the Bodo society  are not able to bound in various levels of social  situation. At that moment  , due to lack of proper education, few section of the Bodos were involved in blind faith, superstition, habit of drinking liquor and  some were involved with anti social activities.  At the same time  some section of  Bodo people converted into the other religion, culture, language etc. Because of that, the Bodo society became unstable and were  facing with identity crisis.  Fortunately  in the mean time, Gurudev Kalicharan Brahma came  for the upliftment of  the Bodo society to organize the socio-religion, culture and literary reforms movement amongst the Bodo’s through mobilising with respect to the need of education for re- building

Economic Life of the Bodo's

In 'the sphere of economic life agriculture still has a dominant position, yet in the contemporary times occupation like service, trade and commerce, contracts etc are adopted; but in small numbers. Agriculture is the main occupation of any rural society. It is also the mainstay of the economic life of the Bodos. Though a large section of the Bodos were engaged in shifting cultivation (largely slash and bum variety in the plains and to some extent terrace cultivation on the fringe areas of Bhutan and the Garo hills till many years back, now the BODOS are fully settled cultivators. Before making a settlement, they select a plot which is suitable for the cultivation of paddy. They primarily look for a plot with a vast grazing field, availability of rivers, ponds or lakes, jungles and forests for hunting animals and for collecting firewood without scarcity. For the cultivation of paddy the Bodos select a land which can sustain water for a long. The Bodos are efficient in construct

Bodo P'hilosophy

The Bodo philosophy in itself is unique. The five holy sermons of the Bathou Borai or the five sacraments Ifor all the Bodos, which are prayers to God, conversing religious and spiritual matters, being charitable to poor, love ,the community people and be united. The five holy realizations are - realization of Sijau, the supreme soul, merger of atma (human soul) with the supreme soul (Sijau). Realization of Mainao, realization of the Panch Mahabhutas corresponding to the five main gods: Ailong, Agrang, Khoila, Sanja ~Borli, and Raj 'Kihungri.Realisation of )the need of wordly affairs. The five senses of love: love to God, fellow-beings, wife and ckiildren, poor animals and nature, motherland and the world. There are many such moral and spiritual preachings which are obeyed by the followers of Bathou still.:(