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Showing posts from 2018

Home and homelessness

Creating a homeland also entails the simultaneous creation of homelessness and acts of othering. In a non contiguous heterotopic ethno-linguistic mosaic that Assam and the North East are, the creation of ethnic homelands through acts of mapping, creates ethnic conclaves where the other-ethnic and the non-ethnic is rendered politically and culturally homeless in a space that they have perhaps been located in for ages. Simultaneously, those of the same ethnic stock for whom the homeland was created, but outside its mapped purview, degenerate into outsiders in the very land that their ancestors had tilled and lived in. Thus, the Bodos who are outside the purview of the recently created BTAD have become outsiders in their age-old homestead, while at the same time they are ineligible for all the benefits enjoyed by the Bodos within BTAD. Moreover, the sanctity of such abstractions like map induced homelands is often attempted in the ground through acts like ethnic purging in an attempt to


The state Assam rich in the tradition of manufacturing gold jewellery dates back to several centuries.  The jewellery is typically hand-made, and the designs mostly depict floral and fauna treasures of the region.  Traditional designs of Assamese jewellery are simple but decorated with vibrant red gemstone, ruby or mina.  Black, red and green colors on gold jewelry are looking very gorgeous and these colors also dominate the  traditional dresses of tribes and communities of the northeastern states.  Assamese ornaments are one of the most important parts of Assamese culture. It is generally made of  pure gold. From the historical point of view, this gold was locally available flowing down with the water of  several Himalayan rivers, of which Subansiri is the most important. In fact, a particular tribe of people, the  “Sonowal Kachari” were engaged only for gold washing in these rivers.  Gold washing and manufacture of jewelry were two important ancient industries in Assam and gold  wer

Arunachal Pradesh in Short.

The major tribes in Arunachal Pradesh are - Adi, Tangsu, Mishmi. Covered with dense forests- High mountain ridges and deep valleys with torrential rivers and streams. There are 110 Tribes and 29 Major tribes. They speak Tibeto Group of Langauge.- Indo Mongoloid, Proto, Paleo 1628 km's of International boundary- Bhutan, Tibet, China, Burma.