The Buddhist Tai-Ahom, led by Sukapha, arrived in Assam in 1228 from what is present day Yunan in China. Befriending the Moran and Borah tribes, and with many of his followers marrying their womenfolk, he is attributed with being the architect of modern Assam. Later,intermixing with immigrant Bengalis, most converted to Hinduism.
The most important Tai-Ahom festival is the Me-Dum-Me-Phi, the ancestor worship festival, which is observed by the whole Tai-Ahom community. An ancient rite dating back some two thousand years, it is performed annually on 31 January. In addition to worshipping ancestors it invokes individuals' life forces to attain social solidarity and vitality in times of peace and conflict, thus helping to develop social contacts and community feeling. It is celebrated with colourful processions and devotees dress up in traditional finery especially for the occasion. The day begins with the hoisting of the Tai-Ahom flag and is followed by a heralding incantation.
Next priests recite incantations in which the whole tribe, old and young, takes part. Children participate in quiz competitions and adults listen to scholars lecturing on the significance of the festival. A community feast is also held at which everyone irrespective of caste, creed, rank orstatus is welcome. Due to the increasing participation of many non Tai-Ahom people in this festival it is nowcelebrated all over Assam.
Abstract:-Bodo’s widely known as Boro’s have a rich and good knowledge on traditional things whether it is folk medicines or folk foods. They have been accustomed with the tradition since the ancient period and in present days too. They have a well acquainted with the things surrounded to them and skilled in every sphere of works i.e. weaving, hunting, cookery, agriculture and architecture etc. Rice beer or zou that is prepared by cooking of rice is one of cookery which is a skilled work and traditional drinks of the Bodo’s since the ancient time. Rice beer or zou is used by them for different purposes and in different occasions. It has variety of types according to its taste and flavour and with the rice used for preparation of rice beer. All these types have been inclusive term of zou but have different names with different taste and flavour. Each and every family member of Bodo knows’ how rice beer is to be prepared as it has been remained as a part of tradition among the communit...
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